Thursday, February 17, 2011

School Counselors meet the client/student where they are! Even if it means riding 3193.78 miles on a motorcycle!

why a motorcycle, why the freedom riders, why character education ?

“Everyday I ride to work on my Harley-Davidson motorcycle, the kids hang their hands out the windows of the school bus as if revving the motorcycle, yelling
VROOM-VROOM MS. Barnette. This is why I ride, I ride for my students, for their education, for their character development"
   -Adrienne D. Barnette

Why do I ride?  It is a question many motorcyclists ask themselves.  It is also a question 50 years ago that was asked many Freedom Riders who decided to risk their very lives.  The reason I have chosen to ride ROUTE 1961 is for my students.  Being a counselor, it is imperative to meet the client/student where they are.  My students are drawn to the motorcycle; it engages them everyday, they ask questions about it continuously and they’re always intrigued by the very essence of the machine.  Meeting my clients/students where they are means using my motorcycle, that enticing intriguing piece of equipment, which grasps their attention more than any book or paper I have seen.  So it only makes logical educational sense to use my motorcycle as the tool for this character educational lesson.

The purpose of CAROLINA CHARACTER, ROUTE 1961 is to educate, celebrate, inspire, and rejuvenate the spirit of determination and motivation within students of today to become active in their search for their own history and become active in the forming of their future and character. Recruiting for this project I called Mr. Zachariah Cashion, a long-time friend and motorcyclist.  I introduced him to the idea and he has whole-heartily joined me in my character educational curriculum plan.  Zachariah has an array of travel experiences across continents that touch none other in his field. His passion and understanding of the 1961 Freedom Riders makes him the obvious choice.  He is a student of people and culture.

The culture of motorcycles and freedom go hand-in-hand! There is no motorcyclist who will not associate being on a motorcycle with what freedom feels like!  America was founded on the very principal of freedom. For some reason the idea of freedom is attractive and is something that many risk all to even experience what the freedom may feel like.  Fortunately, due to the Freedom Riders of 1961 we are able to experience the exercising of freedom that they worked so tirelessly at achieving. 

ROUTE 1961 takes today’s symbol of freedom, motorcycle travel, and combines it with one of the greatest epic journeys towards freedom with the intentional purpose of character education.
  The curriculum for ROUTE 1961 has been developed and established; as well as a detailed route planned; and a list of contacts that are to be interviewed along the historic memorable ride.   ROUTE 1961 is an academic mission within the context of school counseling through the use of the American history.  ROUTE 1961 aspires to inspire students to seek out history to study character within individuals and themselves.  

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