Tuesday, February 15, 2011

a Great Book!

The Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice 
-by Raymond Arsenault.

The Freedom Riders: 1961 and the Struggle for Racial Justice is a wonderful well-written account of the Freedom Rides and Riders of 1961.

The book is about the best possible map one could hope for, to travel ROUTE1961.  Arsenault, did an absolutely wonderful job of providing the facts and insight into the rider's, the country in 1961, and the people and places involved in the struggle for racial justice. 

I am not too much a fan of picture books, rather a fan of books with words that allow the reader to develop their own visual images based upon the colorful illustrated words that the author has painted. 

I believe, Arsenault provided the best of both worlds!  He provided pictures within the book from 1961 as well as colorful words, which engage readers and allows them to feel part of the text and able to navigate between 1961 and the present.

I would suggest reading this book as it is an excellent key to unlocking one of the greatest American treasured character historical stories within American History.

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