Friday, April 29, 2011

Taking Teaching on the Road, School Counselor Retracing 1961 Freedom Ride Routes for Students

Taking Teaching on the Road, School Counselor Retracing 1961 Freedom Ride Routes for Students
It’s been 50 years since civil rights activist known as “Freedom Riders” boarded buses in Washington, D.C. and set out on history making journey through the segregated south.  Their mission was to challenge the lack of enforcement of the United States Supreme Court decision Boynton v. Virginia (of 1960), which had outlawed racial segregation in the restaurants and waiting rooms in terminals serving buses that crossed state lines.

The Freedom Riders of 1961 experienced mob violence.  Many were beaten and hospitalized. Others were arrested.  Their sacrifices were not in vain as their experiences called national attention to the violent disregard for the law that was used to enforce segregation in the southern United States.  Their efforts were an integral part of achieving equality and eradicating segregation in the south.

One Charlotte, NC, school counselor wants to ensure her students know about the landmark bus rides as well as the “character” it took to participate. Adrienne Barnette is the head counselor at the Morgan School, a K-12 school for students with exceptional needs; and as a part of a program she created called Carolina Character, Barnette is traveling the Freedom Riders route herself… on a motorcycle.
Why take the ride?  And why on a motorcycle?  Those are questions Barnette fields each day.  Her answer is simple:  ”You have to meet the students where they are.”

Barnette who takes her bike to school each day, is met in the bus lot by students eager to get a look and ask questions.  A school for children with behavioral and emotional disabilities, the kids enjoy a very hands on curriculum that extends outside of the classroom.

And that’s why Barnette is taking the ride.  As she takes the historic ride she’s been blogging, visiting museums that tell the story of the 1961 ride, and uploading videos and pictures to a blog for the students to follow along with at school or from home.

Today, she interviews original Freedom Rider, Hank Thomas.  One of many riders who were jailed for their participation in the original 1961 Freedom Rides, Barnette hopes her students will recognize the character it took  in order to take such a dangerous journey.

Barnette is joined in the endeavor by fellow motorcyclist and world traveler/educator, Zachariah Cashion. Cashion has traveled all over the world teaching and is excited for yet another experience he can pass on to students as well as anyone else he comes in contact with.  Also taking the trip is Holly Lambert, the school’s art teacher and Rufus S. Barnette, Ms. Barnette’s brother and a Morgan School volunteer. Both are helping document the adventure.

Prior to setting out for the venture they held a school wide assembly at which students began to learn about the heroic 1961 rides and its affects on the civil rights movement. Guest speakers included Ms. Nicole Moore of the Culture and Heritage Museum and Friendship 9 sit-in protestors: Mr. Willie McCleod, Mr. Clarence Graham, and Mr. David Williamson.

The group set out from Washington, D.C. on April 14th.  The plan is to make their way through Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and. Mississippi.  3,193 miles later they will complete the trip in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Barnette, a member of “The Barnettes” (a family pop-rock-soul band) has also written and recorded a song entitled “Ride On”. It chronicles the 1961 rides and will also be used as a teaching tool. Proceeds from the song go to fund future Carolina Character programs.

Barnette created Carolina Character to assist children and students K-12 with their personal, social, career and character development.  Of the program, which as featured programs & speakers from the medical field to pro-sports to the arts Barnette says,
Teachers can lecture all day about what appropriate character looks like; but until they can experience it for themselves it’s just in one ear and out the other.  Through [the program] I am able to integrate character education thorough innovative personal experiences which reach far beyond one moment of learning and into a lifespan of conscious behavioral decision making.
For more information or to follow along as they take the “Route 1961 Ride to Freedom” check out the blog, or follow them on twitter:

Blogger/Vlogger @Politic365 --- Prior to joining Politic365, Elesha Barnette spent nine years with Procter & Gamble. Elesha has a rich, diverse background in sales analytics as well as merchandising & marketing of Fortune 500 brands. In addition to her experiences in business development, Elesha has also run a freelance media production company that develops stories for screen. Elesha has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill in Communications/Media Production.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Follow us

Follow us on Twitter..

and stay tuned.. will be posting videos, pictures, and interviews from the travels of ROUTE 1961!  a lot of amazing happenings to share!

Ride ON!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Former Track Star Honors 1961 Freedom Riders

Barnette featured in the University of North Carolina at Charlotte Athletic Department for Honoring the
1961 Freedom Riders. (click for link to article)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meeting History; ROUTE 1961

Ride on! We are traveling to Atlanta to interview original Freedom Rider, Mr. Hank Thomas.  Mr. Thomas is a veteran Civil Rights foot soldier with (22) arrests, an original Freedom Rider, a Vietnam War Purple Heart recipient
and a Civic Leader.

ROUTE 1961 will be meeting History today! 
Today will be an incredible day!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The 1961 Freedom Rides, started in Washington, DC.  We visited the Washington, DC monuments to celebrate the freedom we have due to the 1961 Freedom Riders

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Do you know what the 1961 Freedom Riders were?

We are interviewing individuals
(like you, like I, like us, like we, like)
diversity matters
trying to find out if you know what the 1961 Freedom Riders are?

Stay tuned..
there are some great people we are meeting along ROUTE 1961!
Thank you for being a part of ROUTE 1961

meet the team: ROUTE 1961 : retracing the 1961 Freedom Rides

(from Left to Right)

Ms. Holly :
(Caucasian female from Wilkesboro, North Carolina)
job: Trail Car Driver & Production Crew (camera & video) , also Morgan School Music Teacher

Ms. Adrienne :
(African American female from Charlotte, North Carolina)
job: Motorcyclist; Carolina Character and Morgan School Counselor

Mr. Zachariah
(Caucasian male from Los Angeles, California)
job: Motorcyclist: Carolina Character Teaching Assistant

Mr. Rufus :
(African American male from Blair, South Carolina)
job: Trail Car Driver & Production Crew (camera & video); also Morgan School Volunteer

The Freedom Riders were both women and men, blacks and whites joining together.  Each individual on ROUTE 1961 were recruited strategically to provide the Character Education to the Morgan School students.

Washington, DC travel pictures

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Twitter: ROUTE 1961

Stay up-to-date with our location and travels through

We will update Blog with videos and pictures very soon.. We have met a lot of wonderful diverse people along ROUTE 1961.  The Ride thus far has been challenging yet enjoyable and priceless as we ride on remembering and retracing the path of the Freedom Riders of 1961. 

Ride on .. we must.. we are currently in Virginia and headed into the Carolinas today for the Bike Rally in Cherry Neighborhood, Uptown Charlotte.  The trip has been challenging yet memorable; as we ride through state to state and city to city. 

We are riding to the Bike Rally.. the weather today is calling for some rain and wind. yet, we will push forward and ride to Greensboro, Harley Davidson at 1pm to gather more bikers and then to Concord Pat Rogers Speedway, Harley Davidson at 3pm to gather more and head on down to the Cherry Neighborhood, Uptown Charlotte for the Bike Rally. 

Ride on we must, Ride on we will.
  Retracing the Journey to Freedom. 
Thank you Freedom Riders!

Monday, April 11, 2011


visit: American Experience PBS for more information
on the Freedom Riders.

(great educational site)

Original 1961 Freedom Rider ROUTE
Washington, DC to New Orleans, LA
(greyhound bus 1961)

Carolina Character ROUTE 1961
Washington, DC to New Orleans, LA   
(Motorcycles 2011)

Ever heard a "Hog" (Harley) or "Duc" (Ducati) Tweet!

Ever Heard a "Hog" (Harley) or a "Duc" (Ducati) Tweet?
what does that sound like?

Follow ROUTE 1961 at Twitter

Friday, April 8, 2011

FOX NEWS cover-story on ROUTE 1961, Character Education on 1961 Freedom Riders

From the FOX NEWS RISING web-based Desk .....

CHARLOTTE, NC: What can kids learn from a biker trip? Students at the Morgan School in Uptown Charlotte are getting a one-of-a-kind lesson on the 1961 Freedom Rides. Adrienne Barnette and Zachariah Cashion are setting out to retrace the trail of the Freedom Riders. FNR's Tera Blake talks with these freewheeling educators!

Carolina Character Meetup & Bike Rally, April 16th

Begins at Harley-Davidson of Greensboro @ 1 PM, Travels to Pat Rogers Speedway Harley-Davidson in Concord, Ends at Cherry Neighborhood Park, 1509 Baxter Street, Charlotte

Adrienne & Zachariah at FOX News Rising pre-interview on ROUTE 1961; Character Educational celebration of the 1961 Freedom Riders.

UPTOWN, Charlotte, North Carolina 28204
MORGAN SCHOOL, K-12 Exceptional Children

Thursday, April 7, 2011


   Want to learn more about ROUTE 1961 and the Morgan School's celebration of the 1961 Freedom Riders! .. TUNE IN!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Charity Bike Ride: Honor the 1961 Freedom Riders

$10 to Meet and Ride ... 
all proceeds from the Charity Ride go to the Morgan School, K-12 Exceptional Students Character Education.
The Bike Rally is FREE
Are you a Biker and want to join in on ROUTE 1961 and the celebration of the 1961 Freedom Riders?

Get ready!
APRIL 16, 2011

ROUTE 1961 is Riding through the Carolinas on a Charity Ride that ends in Uptown Charlotte, NC at the Cherry Bike Rally for some FOOD, MUSIC, and FUN all in celebration and honor of the 1961 Freedom Riders.

Wanna Ride?

1.) Meet up at 1PM at the
Harley Davidson of Greensboro, NC

538 Farragut Street,
Greensboro, North Carolina 27406
and ....We Ride & Meet at :  
2.)  3:15PM
                         Harley Davidson Pat Rogers Speedway
                                     10049 Weddington Road
      Concord, North Carolina 28027

and we Ride and Meet up in Uptown Charlotte, NC. at the Cherry Bike Rally 1509 Baxter Street, Charlotte, NC 28204
 in Honor of the 1961 Freedom Riders.

$10 to Meet and Ride ... 
all proceeds from the charity ride go to the Morgan School, K-12 Exceptional Students Character Education.
The Bike Rally is FREE

See ya soon!